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Introducing Bouncing DVD Logo demo

I added a fun MakeCode Arcade demo Bouncing DVD Logo to Projects.

A screenshot of the bouncing DVD logo, showing a white DVD logo on a black background.

Watch the demo!

MakeCode Arcade can be a slick way to introduce folks to game development. You write and play games in a browser. The programs can be loaded onto little handheld devices like the Adafruit PyBadge. The editor and handheld electronics aren't the only places you can run MakeCode Arcade games. Their kiosk provides a simple menu interface to select between games, perfect for something like an arcade machine.

I occasionally run MakeCode Arcade workshops for kids and teens at Leonardo’s Basement, and make little demos to show off a feature or a technique.

Even before I was finished, this demo put a big grin on my face. I was surprised the demo landed as well as it did with the students. They mentioned the episode of US version of The Office and this (edited, unfortunately) clip of a bar crowd cheering on the DVD logo.

Read more (and watch it, edit it, and make it your own!) at the Bouncing DVD Logo project page.

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This is part of Bouncing DVD Logo.